Rabu, 15 Juni 2011

Cara beternak entog

Entog adalah salah satu unggas yg mudah dikembang biakkan dan berprotein tinggi.


1.1 Background
Every Citizen must get suitable education based on UUD 1945, and is regulated Straight Goverment rule, even through the doing of the educates programe is done in a system that called natural education system. The program of the national education has a function a to develop a competence and built a character with nation culture prestigiously in life. The life of the nation, and aims to the develops students’ potency in order to be a human which belive and piety to Allah SWT, noble morals, healty, science, capable, creative, self confident, and be democracy and responsible human.
In the education execution in school, the programs of the school are directed to long teaching aims for climbing student’s competence in order to when they have left from their school, they can solve the problem. So with the doing of teaching program specially in English subject, in the school is done for build an opinion design logically, rasionally, critically, accurately, honesly, efficiently and effectively.
In English teaching at class room aims for building student’s competence that is reflected trough thinking abilities critically, logically, systematically, and has objective, honesly, discipline in solving problem in daily activity, but in the reality that the aims cannot reach perfectly because some schools indicate that student’s competence and comprehend in English subject shows unsatisfied result.
In SMPN 5 Garut has same problem so in looked for solution how in order to English subject can increase student’s knowledge so can advantage for their life.
In English subject there are 4 skills they are listening, speaking, reading and writing.
For focus the problem, writer will discuss in writing skill only.

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